Faire contre mauvaise fortune bon cœur, et non pas faire de nécessité vertu : Congédier les construits associés aux différences minorisantes


  • Marc Ethier University of Montreal
  • David Lefrançois Université du Québec en Outaouais


Abstract: Terrorist attacks periodically serve as a pretext to restrict rights and freedoms. This sharply raises a triple question relating to the diversities of every human being: What does ‘being different’ mean? Can differences justify being treated differently and at a disadvantage? How can we overcome prejudices against oneself or other ‘different’ people? This is an issue of conceptualization. When faculty of education professors who train preservice social science teachers think about this issue as teacher-trainers, the role of teacher-training institutions simultaneously appears to be a pivotal question. In this context, this article first explores the point of view that social sciences should be used to problematize specific injustices from the perspective of their victims and to make them aware of their unity as agents of democratic development. The article then presents a content analysis of the Contemporary World curriculum, which is mandatory for high school students in Quebec.





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