Water Rush


  • Rina Garcia Chua


water, rush, poem

Author Biography

Rina Garcia Chua

Rina Garcia Chua is currently taking her PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of British

Columbia Okanagan, where she is pursuing a project on "The Ecological Literacy of a Migrant

Ecocriticism,” which is a cross-cultural analysis of Canadian and Filipinx ecopoetry that provides a literacy

to trace transnational knowledges of identity, environments, and ecologies in migrant, settler, and

indigenous citizenships. Her short stories and poems have been published in both international and

Philippine presses, most recently with World Literature Today; Goose: A Journal of Arts, Environment,

and Culture in Canada ; Aster(ix) Journal, and Paper Shell 2019 . She is the editor of Sustaining the

Archipelago: An Anthology of Philippine Ecopoetry , which was published by the University of Santo

Tomas Publishing House last 2018 and was nominated for the National Book Award category of Best

Anthology in English.


