Intersectionality in Everyday Life


  • Sadie Taylor-Parks Editorial Member of TWWS


intersectionality, UBCO, everday, collage, students, self reflexive


The inspiration for my project was to do a creative piece asking UBCO students the following questions: "How does intersectionality affect your life? Is this something that you actively think about in your day to day experience?" 

This project was aimed to complicate heteronormative ideas by bringing awareness to what privileges certain people have, and how others have overcome aspects of oppression. Bringing awareness to how we see ourselves and how we interact with others.

Author Biography

Sadie Taylor-Parks, Editorial Member of TWWS

Sadie Taylor-Parks is a third-year student at UBC Okanagan, majoring in Gender and Women Studies with a minor in Psychology and Sociology. She is interested in how individuals experience their everyday lives and how it is different from others based on their intersections. Sadie also enjoys exploring how race, gender, and sexuality intersect in the field of sport and how this affects an athlete’s ability to navigate within these platforms.


