Domestic Bliss


  • Carly Norton Editorial Member of TWWS


Relationship, Domestic, Heteronormative, Queer, Woman


I wrote this piece as a “coming-of-age” narrative to reflect on a dilemma that proved definitive in my life. This was a formative period of growth and change for me, where I struggled with feeling detached from the heteronormative, patriarchal social scripts that our culture so strongly encourages. It was about a leap of faith and a departure from the life-course I was on in pursuit of academic goals and a different life trajectory. It was about grappling with queer identity, and forging a new path. 

Author Biography

Carly Norton, Editorial Member of TWWS

Carly Norton is a third-year student majoring in Gender and Women’s Studies. She is passionate about activism, current events and politics, social justice, drug policy, mental and sexual health, and reproductive politics. Her praxis is intersectional, anti-capitalist, and anti-oppressive. She plans to continue her education by pursuing a master’s or law degree. In her spare time, Carly enjoys reading, volunteering, live music, cooking, bike riding and spending time with friends on the beautiful Okanagan beaches. 


