Current Issue
Call for Submissions
The BC TEAL Journal is a peer-reviewed publication of the Association of BC Teachers of English as an Additional Language (BC TEAL). The journal exists to promote scholarship related to the teaching and learning of English as an additional language (EAL) in British Columbia, with articles explicitly reflecting and making connections to the varying contexts and settings of the BC TEAL membership as well as the wider Canadian context.
The BC TEAL Journal invites the submission of original previously unpublished contributions, such as research articles or theoretical analysis, classroom practice, and opinion essays, from all sectors and experience levels represented by the BC TEAL membership. Research type articles should aim for +/- 8,000 words, plus references. Theoretical analysis, classroom practice, and opinion essays should aim for +/- 4,000 words, plus references. The journal also welcomes the submission of book reviews for recent books related to EAL teaching and learning that would be of interest to BC TEAL members. Book reviews are typically +/- 1,000 words plus references. Please contact the editor if you would like to submit a book review. The Author Guidelines contain more information about submitting to the BC TEAL journal.
Manuscripts are accepted on an ongoing basis throughout the year, with papers that have completed the review and editing process being published as they are ready. The BC TEAL Journal publishes on an ongoing basis, with articles gathered into a single issue over the course of one calendar year. For more information on the submission process, please visit the Submissions Page.
Please note: All submissions must be made through the BC TEAL Journal online journal system (https://ojs-o.library.ubc.ca/index.php/BCTJ). Submissions cannot be accepted via email or the postal service. Thank you for your understanding.